Tuesday, March 6, 2012


My Mom had been having some not so bad days.  But yesterday, she was coughing and having some difficulty breathing.  This evening when I went out, it seem worse, breathing was very labored.  Ask them to check SATS with oxygen on and it was 85. Generally it will drop into 80,s if she takes it off and forgets to put back on, but comes back up with it on.

They made a call to Hospice to see if the dr. wanted to raise oxygen, which is already on 3.  They decided to give her some meds, one was to calm her down, do not know what the other did.  She was getting anxious about not breathing good and it was making it worse.

It seemed to help. Took her down to supper, and she felt better and actually ate more than usual. The SATS are still in the 80 s but she was not reacting like she was when I got there.

She has gotten bad and bounced back so many times, that I tend to relax. A year ago, her doctor said she only had about 6 months to live in her condition. She beat that by a lot. But I know that at some point there will be no bouncing back.

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