Saturday, January 26, 2019


Jackie went with Jessica for the weekend.  Jessica and Robbin are having a Pajama Party with Kati, and Bryants 4 girls. She picked them up here.  They were so excited.  Have not seen them in over a year, and they have really grown.

I used my hand weights for about 5 minutes today.  Need to do this every day or every other day and work up to 20 min.  Need to ride stationary bike and use tread  mill.  I am losing my strength in arms and legs and there is no reason I cannot be exercising.  I pray that after my treatments are going to take the cancer away.   I would like more time if it is Gods will. I am trying to learn to live my life each day instead of "waiting to get well".  If it goes away, it will come back, and I do not want to have wasted the time I have left.

I hope my case will help others.

I need to learn to tolerate winter and not be depressed. Summer will be here in its own time.  God show me how to live .

I want to be able to do the happy dance again.

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