Sunday, December 31, 2017


About to begin a new year.  We had a good Christmas, got through it better than I thought.  Having all the kids here, and grandkids and great grandkids helped make a happy day.

I realized I actually felt sort of numb instead of raw.  Do not know what the deal with that was.  But grief seems to be a strange journey.  You just keep going through it, and some days are harder than others.

Got my rental house sold. Close in January.  That will be one less worry I have.  I still worry about my budgeting and getting bills paid, but so far things have went ok.  Will feel better getting bills paid and having some back up money for any home repairs that come up.

I cannot say I am looking forward to the New Year, but it is coming so what can I say.  I hope I can find my "place".  Just cannot imagine what my future will be like.

Life will go on..............

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