Monday, August 28, 2017


When Jim went to hospital July 3, though he was very sick I never dreamed it was the beginning of the end. They would get on organ working, then another would go bad.  He got lots of fluid on his legs, lungs and heart

I had high hopes of him getting into rehab getting strength back and being able to wheel and deal from his garage.

He was there through July and into August, and just kept getting worse. 

When we had to decide to take him to KC Hospice, I knew the battle was lost.Though he was only there a short time, it was the first time I had seen him peaceful and comfortable in over a month.  I thought we had some more days with him, but he slipped away at 1:05 on Aug 17th.

This was an especially hard day because it it my sons birthday.  I do think God could have planned that better.

On Aug 26,2016, a large amount of family and friends said goodbye.  It was comforting to have so much support.

I kind of feel like I am in Limbo. I did not want him to go, but did not want him in anymore pain.

I am going to be lost for a long

 long time.

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