Saturday, May 4, 2019


Thursday Jackie had a stent put in her right corotid artery which had been cleaned out several years ago.  Dr. said all went well and it took half hour for prodedure after prep.

The was to stay Thurs night and come home today.  But her BP keeps dropping when they take off the oxygen.  They took her off her BP meds and are giving her meds to raise it and are weening her off oxygen.  They kept her again tonight, which I am glad. Doctors can monitor her.  Says when she get up she gets shakey when BP drops.

Hope they have it regulated tomorrow.  She said her pain was better today.

I have been praying for her since they set it up.  She has gone through open heart surgery and many stents over the years in her heart. And she had this artery surgery. She has COPD.  She has been taking care of me and she has lots more health issues than I do. 

Prayers, prayers and prayers for her to get back to feeling good and get home. And hope she gets more energy getting the artery open.

G et home, I miss you

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