Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Monday I had my chemo port put in.  Was no fun, but not as bad as I expected.

Tuesday, July 25, 2018...Had first chemo session.  Did not hurt, but had to  bring a fanny pack home with me that feeds more chemo in and is taken off Friday.  Am not to fond of 2 more night sleeping on my back.  But I will make it.  See Dr. Singh Friday when fanny pack is removed.  Next treatment is in 2 weeks.  Glad to skip a week.

Dr. Singh says he treats more aggressively than some so maybe I will have a chance at more time.  We wasted some time getting this diagnosed and started.  Says he needs to get something started or I will not be here in 2 months.  He has a few plans for treatment.  If tumors do not begin to shrink in  2 or 3 sessions he will go to next step.  He has to watch me close and start with small dose due to my LGL.  Watches Labs real close.

I will thank God for any more time that he can give me with my kids before I go to be again with Jim.

Jackie and I also went out today and chose a spot for Jim's Memorial Bench.  So glad to finally get that done after trying for almost a year.

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