Sunday, March 11, 2018


Yesterday and today I have got some things I wanted to do done and not napped though I did sleep late due to time change.  The 3 previous days I mostly slept off and on all day.  Do not have to think if you are sleeping. Feel pretty good tonight.

Hoping tomorrow to feel some life and energy and do just anything as long as I am moving.  It is still cold and I hate that.  I am still yearning for Spring and warm weather and hope that makes me happier most of the time.

Tim and Debbie want to go to Downstream in April. I look forward to that.  For my birthday Robbin and Marjie are coming down, and we are going with Tim and Debbie and any of the grandkids that want to go out to dinner.

Jesse is progressing on redoing his house.  Think they are painting this coming weekend. He has looked at flooring but not made any decisions yet.

I just want to feel good and be happy in the time I have left on this earth.  And do something, if there is anything out there I can do...that is not too scheduled.

Prayers that all my kids and grandkids stay safe and healthy.

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