After his therapy, Jim rested awhile then went out to the garage for awhile. He was out there about an hour messing around the yard and in the garage. I kept an eye on him, had seen him in the garage and thought he was getting ready to come in and rest. Went through the house, then looked out again and he was lying on his back behind his truck. Scared the hell out of me. He was not trying to get up like if he fell. I ran for my shoes and across the yard, and he raised up his head. Said he did not fall, sort of slid down holding on to the tail gate. He had got to hot. I got him in truck drove around front, got him in the house. Got a cool washcloth and a bottle of water. He seemed to be okay. Was hungry, fixed him something to eat, and he fell asleep. Slept most of the day. Got up awhile ago and went to bed at 8:30.
He is acting more confused as time goes on. It scares me, I feel like he is slipping away from me. His driving is terrible. Has his truck so beat up and scratched from banging into things.
Things will get better, things will get better, things will get better..................
October 19th Update.
Sept 24.........
Things not quite better too soon. Jim went to Thereapy Thurs, they brought him home cause his heart rate was high and he was confused. Called out dr., and he said take him to Butler ER. They ran a few tests, and sent him by ambulance to Lee s Summit Medical Center where he stayed Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Sent him home with new meds (blood thinner, meds for low BP, and also with Oxygen.) His congestive heart disease and not enough oxygen in blood was what caused his spell they decided.
He is doing better. Back still gives him lots of problems. And he is not accepting that he needs oxygen very well. Will go out without it and come back in and SATS are down in 80's. Will just have to wait and see. He has had follow up with reg dr., has one with Lung dr. Oct. 29th, and with heart dr. Nov 6th.
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