Thursday, January 3, 2013


2013 is up and running.  Had a snow on New Years Eve so it was a pretty New Years Day.

Jackie and Jesse came over for a few hours in the afternoon during her momentary recoup from her  cold/flu. She had a "relapse" today. But had a good visit.

Today I went for my annual "gyn" exam.  Discussed all the TVM ads on TV about lawsuits and recalls.  Found out the one in my procedure a couple years or so ago was not recalled and is still in use.  Now I will no longer wonder if my mesh is going to blow out....

Congress dodged a long fall over the Fiscal Cliff, but they are still in for a long hall. So we will be hearing that on TV for the rest of the year.  I do not know why I even listen to political news.

I fixed my 2013 good memories jar and hope I will have some good memories in it when I dump them out next New Years Eve.

I finally got my holiday eating binge stopped. Now need to get back into the habit of exercising regular. And back to the Chi Machine for 10 minutes 2 times a day as it really makes me feel better and keeps my ankles from being puffy.

I not like Jan Feb and Mar so hope they go by fast.  Maybe I can just dance through them and it will be spring.

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