My Mom who has been in and out of hospitals, Residential Facilities, and Nursing home since November fighting her Congestive Heart Failure finally came home Friday. Is happy to be back in her own comfy chair and bed. Is getting along well taking care of hereself. The Home Health Nurse will come tomorrow and set up a schedule to monitor her for awhile to make sure her vitals signs are ok. Will be hoping this goes well and she can be home awhile now.
Perhaps this will be a good Spring and Summer. Today I bought some pizza's from great grand son for base ball funding. We got our invitation to Bryant and Rachels wedding coming in May. Now I have to find something to wear. Jim's sister and brother in law are supposed to come visit in April. So I am having all kinds of things to be anticipating.
I was just thinking earlier today that I had better start looking for a swim suit because it will be time for Water Aorobics the end of May. Better planning this year, pool opened and I did not have a suit yet.
I at least have a start on 2011 blogging....even if I just get back and update every few months.
I have at least begun.
I hope your mom does well at home. Nothing like your own home. Hospitals are horrid places!
March already. I hear ya. My firstborn was 39 yesterday!!! Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday he was a little tyke - now he towers over me and has a family of his own.
Happy spring!
I love the dancing woman at the end of your post.
Sending good energy to you in 2011. Yes, please post at least now and again, ok?
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