I have bought him a toy. Today we got a sweater for him 2 times, well size XS which Jim said to begin with would be to small. We discussed the exchange and he thought he should have a med instead of the small I was going to move up to. When I got in the store my mind went blank and bought a size small....it is to small. I am going to wait until the store forgets who I am before I go back and get a medium. Evidently it is very hard to get your dog a sweater. I do not know why I thought it would be easy, as it took me 30 minutes to pick out a toy for his birthday.
I can see I am going to have to begin immediately to Christmas shop if I am going to find the perfect toy for him.
I certainly hope it does not get this intense shopping for the grandkids and great grandkids. I hear there is a shorter shopping time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year
I am thinking I may need crisis intervention about Dec 20
Maybe I can take him to a doggie fashion show..................
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