New Year Cheer
At the sound of the tolling midnight bell
a brand new year will begin.
Let's raise our hopes in a confidant toast,
to the promise it ushers in.
May your battles be few, your pleasure many,your wishes and dreams fulfilled.
May your confidence stand in the face of loss, and give you the strength to rebuild.
May peace of heart fill all your days, may serenity grace your soul.
May tranquil moments bless your life, and keep your spirit whole.
- Author Unknown
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Who planned for Property Taxes to come due at the end of the year. It just hangs out there and taunts you all the while you are getting ready for Christmas. Why couldn't it have been scheculed for a fiscal year like ending in June. Then it is bright and sunny, and you are not trying to shop for those special gifts.
You get into your holiday shopping, the you think, oh by the way I better put back a thousand or 2 for property taxes. Then when taxes hit your mind, you then begin to think, well I wonder if I will owe any Federal and State taxes, or will I be lucky and get a refund....any maybe even one of those Stimulus Packages.
I really think it is a plot by the government to ruin Christmas for us all.
Some states do not have property taxes....I wonder where they are...I might have to take my Stimulus package and move to one of them.
Maybe I can get me some little "Tax Trolls" to live under the bridge and keep the IRS away too.

You get into your holiday shopping, the you think, oh by the way I better put back a thousand or 2 for property taxes. Then when taxes hit your mind, you then begin to think, well I wonder if I will owe any Federal and State taxes, or will I be lucky and get a refund....any maybe even one of those Stimulus Packages.
I really think it is a plot by the government to ruin Christmas for us all.
Some states do not have property taxes....I wonder where they are...I might have to take my Stimulus package and move to one of them.
Maybe I can get me some little "Tax Trolls" to live under the bridge and keep the IRS away too.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It is time for my hair to be cut and foiled tomorrow. A cut and a perm is just something I have to do.....but when it is "color time" that is exciting. I love color...I love 2 or 3 colors, and I like them changed up from time to time.
I began doing the hair thing in my 20' first it was just a rinse, that came out crappy and faded fast. Then I discovered there were products that you could get that one would strip the color from your hair, and a toner would put the shade you wanted back....the color of hay that you got in between could be a bit scary. If you went to far from your color, you got "roots" pretty quick.
Then I found "frosting". I got the bleach, the cap with holes in it , and the tool to pull it through. Sometimes you pulled a bit more hair through that you should and went lighter than intended. But it grows out and you do not have to mess with the roots.
Through my 20's and 30's I was bleaching my hair or wearing wigs, or sometimes just letting it grow to my color and take a break. I never went to hairdressers much in those times. Occasionally in order to get a decent hair cut where I had gotten it so out of control.
Then I began to go to real hair dressers, and learned to look forward to it. And the best thing is the color. I am just crazy about doing different colors. And I am going to keep coloring as long as I have hair. And my hair dresser has promised me that she will never let me have the blue hair.
Monday, December 15, 2008
My husband has shaving lotion, and body lotion on his bathroom vanity. This seems sufficient for him.
I was checking out my cabinet, and have body lotion, body mousse, hand masque, hand lotion that tones, hand lotion that smooths, foot scrubs, foot lotion, face lotion, lip scrub, lip smoother, lip gloss. I am a relatively intellegent person and am now wondering why I got involved with so many creams and lotions that know what part of my body to take care of. It came on gradually...I would see this good cream for a certain body part, and now I have this shelf of stuff that each does a different job.
I am wondering if I could just buy a gallon of some sort of body butter, or lotion and just use it on all my parts and stay just as soft as I am now.
I am sure it would keep you from having dry skin. I think our ancestors used lard or animal oil for dry skin, and olive oil, and got along fine.
Maybe I can whittle down my skin products from this:

To This:

And this:
I was checking out my cabinet, and have body lotion, body mousse, hand masque, hand lotion that tones, hand lotion that smooths, foot scrubs, foot lotion, face lotion, lip scrub, lip smoother, lip gloss. I am a relatively intellegent person and am now wondering why I got involved with so many creams and lotions that know what part of my body to take care of. It came on gradually...I would see this good cream for a certain body part, and now I have this shelf of stuff that each does a different job.
I am wondering if I could just buy a gallon of some sort of body butter, or lotion and just use it on all my parts and stay just as soft as I am now.
I am sure it would keep you from having dry skin. I think our ancestors used lard or animal oil for dry skin, and olive oil, and got along fine.
Maybe I can whittle down my skin products from this:
To This:
And this:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Never walk in dark halls or corners without turning a light on. All my grown kids and grandkids know this rule. This is in place because when a puppy really has to go and no one is paying attention, they choose a quiet place off somewhere, hoping no one will ever know. When you find it, you spank and scold him, spritz the shampoo and promise to do better about watching his take out time.
He has been a member of the family now since January. My rule has worked very dog doo had been stepped in and tracked around. The other member of the family has been here for 51 years, and through 3 puppies. I do not remember any dog doo being stepped in and tracked over all the house ever.
All good things come to and end. Without mentioning any names this person came into the house on a mission, went down a dark hall, and the rest is history, or it will be when the cussing dies down .
The rug shampood back to normal, the dog was traumatized by the yelling and cussing for about 5 minutes, and he may have to find a different emergency place if he does not get our attention.
I can only hope that the "turn on a light in dark halls and corners" will now be absorbed by the only person that apparently did not know it.

Unless it is in the house...............
He has been a member of the family now since January. My rule has worked very dog doo had been stepped in and tracked around. The other member of the family has been here for 51 years, and through 3 puppies. I do not remember any dog doo being stepped in and tracked over all the house ever.
All good things come to and end. Without mentioning any names this person came into the house on a mission, went down a dark hall, and the rest is history, or it will be when the cussing dies down .
The rug shampood back to normal, the dog was traumatized by the yelling and cussing for about 5 minutes, and he may have to find a different emergency place if he does not get our attention.
I can only hope that the "turn on a light in dark halls and corners" will now be absorbed by the only person that apparently did not know it.
Unless it is in the house...............
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I found out that on December 12, the moon would the the fullest of all year. I marked that on things to check out. I was walking the dog about 6:00 pm and noticed the moon was up there. Then I remember I wanted to try to get a picture.
I went and got my camera took the picture, then went back and read the info I had put aside on it. Of course the very best times to catch the full effect was as it was rising, and midnight when it was over head "and illuminating the sky".
OK, I missed moon rising, but I would try to get the midnight shot. Awhile ago I figured it was close enough that I would take a look. I was being real quiet as my husband and the dog had already gone to bed. And for some reason he, my husband not the dog, does not like me to get out and roam around after he goes to bed...I could get kidnapped or worse fall down and stay there all night becoming an invalid that he would be taking care of. The dog having ,I assume ,very sensitive ears began to bark, so I came back in before I got busted being outside in my housecoat looking at the moon.
I may try to sneak out again later............but so far this is all I got of the "fullest moon of the year.......

I went and got my camera took the picture, then went back and read the info I had put aside on it. Of course the very best times to catch the full effect was as it was rising, and midnight when it was over head "and illuminating the sky".
OK, I missed moon rising, but I would try to get the midnight shot. Awhile ago I figured it was close enough that I would take a look. I was being real quiet as my husband and the dog had already gone to bed. And for some reason he, my husband not the dog, does not like me to get out and roam around after he goes to bed...I could get kidnapped or worse fall down and stay there all night becoming an invalid that he would be taking care of. The dog having ,I assume ,very sensitive ears began to bark, so I came back in before I got busted being outside in my housecoat looking at the moon.
I may try to sneak out again later............but so far this is all I got of the "fullest moon of the year.......
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I am not against hugging but I like to be selective, and I am also claustrophobic.
I like to keep an arms length space around me if the room is not too crowded. I will hug a kid, or a dog, my husband, but I am not a hug, peck on the cheek greeter. There are lots of us, and we need to form a training task force. Huggers and peckers need to learn to recogonize the signs. If you walk up to me and I put my hand out to shake hands, that is as close as you need to not take my hand and draw me into that hug and peck on the cheek.
About the time you think you have everyone around you familiar with your preferences and you relax, a new situation comes up.
Today a friend and I went to the nursing home to deliver a birthday gift to our "adopted Lady". A couple of members will go to take them gifts at birthdays and Christmas and visit awhile. It was going fine, she loved her gift, and it was time to go. She got up from her chair as we were saying our goodbyes, and bam it hit me, she was a hugger. Sometimes it is inevitable, you cannot avoid a lonely lady in the nursing home hug. That would not be right.
But I am still going to stave of the chronic hugger/peckers that come at me. I may have found a way to do it that will be more politically correct than hand shaking for a few years.

<Us Non Huggers can give it a try.

I like to keep an arms length space around me if the room is not too crowded. I will hug a kid, or a dog, my husband, but I am not a hug, peck on the cheek greeter. There are lots of us, and we need to form a training task force. Huggers and peckers need to learn to recogonize the signs. If you walk up to me and I put my hand out to shake hands, that is as close as you need to not take my hand and draw me into that hug and peck on the cheek.
About the time you think you have everyone around you familiar with your preferences and you relax, a new situation comes up.
Today a friend and I went to the nursing home to deliver a birthday gift to our "adopted Lady". A couple of members will go to take them gifts at birthdays and Christmas and visit awhile. It was going fine, she loved her gift, and it was time to go. She got up from her chair as we were saying our goodbyes, and bam it hit me, she was a hugger. Sometimes it is inevitable, you cannot avoid a lonely lady in the nursing home hug. That would not be right.
But I am still going to stave of the chronic hugger/peckers that come at me. I may have found a way to do it that will be more politically correct than hand shaking for a few years.
<Us Non Huggers can give it a try.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I do not do Black Friday for a number of reasons....I never had use for the very good specials, and also would prefer not to be trampled to death for a bargain.
We ventured out Wednesday to begin Christmas shopping. Had a very good day, and we got about 2/3 of our list done. So we went back Thursday, and I really think the shopping is all done.
Now I am overwhelmed with unwrapped gifts. I always intend to buy a few at a time and get them wrapped, but it never works out that way.
I planned to get my tree up the first of the week, and it still is not up. I have promised my self I will have it done by Saturday night. Then I can wrap til I drop and I will be all ready for the holiday. Well except for getting the stuff and fixing the dinner. Better get to making that list.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
If anything is going to go wrong, it happens when you are getting ready to go on vacation. Jim changed the oil in the car.....oops seems there is a leaky water pump. Got that fixed. Now there appears to be water dripping from somewhere that he thinks might be the radiator. So it is back to Mr. Fix It to check it out and replace it if needed. He is balistic with there being time to get it fixed for our leave date.
I was chugging along thinking I had better start checking out my clothes to see what to take. My biggest worry was did I have enough decent underwear for 8 days away from home. I took care of that by buying a new pack. So I am basically ready to go.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Holiday Season is going to require prescription drugs, or large amounts of Liquor
Charlie, our Maltese will be a year old November 20, 2008. I do not think that magically on his birthday, he is going to stop being a puppy. Sometimes he is so good, but when he is bad, he is very very bad.
I have bought him a toy. Today we got a sweater for him 2 times, well size XS which Jim said to begin with would be to small. We discussed the exchange and he thought he should have a med instead of the small I was going to move up to. When I got in the store my mind went blank and bought a size is to small. I am going to wait until the store forgets who I am before I go back and get a medium. Evidently it is very hard to get your dog a sweater. I do not know why I thought it would be easy, as it took me 30 minutes to pick out a toy for his birthday.
I can see I am going to have to begin immediately to Christmas shop if I am going to find the perfect toy for him.
I certainly hope it does not get this intense shopping for the grandkids and great grandkids. I hear there is a shorter shopping time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year
I am thinking I may need crisis intervention about Dec 20
Maybe I can take him to a doggie fashion show..................
I have bought him a toy. Today we got a sweater for him 2 times, well size XS which Jim said to begin with would be to small. We discussed the exchange and he thought he should have a med instead of the small I was going to move up to. When I got in the store my mind went blank and bought a size is to small. I am going to wait until the store forgets who I am before I go back and get a medium. Evidently it is very hard to get your dog a sweater. I do not know why I thought it would be easy, as it took me 30 minutes to pick out a toy for his birthday.
I can see I am going to have to begin immediately to Christmas shop if I am going to find the perfect toy for him.
I certainly hope it does not get this intense shopping for the grandkids and great grandkids. I hear there is a shorter shopping time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year
I am thinking I may need crisis intervention about Dec 20
Maybe I can take him to a doggie fashion show..................
Friday, November 14, 2008
Never Let Them Convince You To Drink The Punch
In 1955 a charismatic preacher from Indianapolis, Indiana founded the People's Temple. Jim Jones led his followers to California and eventually to Jonestown, Guyana where on November 18, 1978 he led over 900 members into the largest mass murder-suicide ever.
I remember the horrifying news footage of the event. It was so hard to understand how one man could have that kind of influence over his followers. After 30 years, I still cannot fathom being so controlled by another human being.
Cults can do amazing things. Jim and Tammy Faye Baker led millions of people to part with their money to save their souls, and allow Jim and Tammy to live in luxury.
Jimmy Swaggert fell from his pulpit from his weakness with women, and
Ted Haggard stumbled with his weakness for muscle men
The 30th anniversary of Jonestown woke me up to remembering a few of the many who have fallen
I have always had a nagging feeling that religion can be hazzardous to your health.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Get Ready, Get Set, Change........
I am excited about change and new beginnings. Groceries cost more, gas goes up, down, and probably up again. My income stays the same, but my health insurance goes up. Unemployment is up, more people are headed for losing their jobs.
With the change in Washington, perhaps we can hope things will improve. The past 4 years of the last eight have been especially discouraging.

I will be looking forward to health care programs, jobs, the banks and lending institutions getting back on track lending money on terms that people are able to pay back.....Change now needs to come from the top down.
With the change in Washington, perhaps we can hope things will improve. The past 4 years of the last eight have been especially discouraging.
I will be looking forward to health care programs, jobs, the banks and lending institutions getting back on track lending money on terms that people are able to pay back.....Change now needs to come from the top down.
I will be waiting for a new beginning.....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
How can you still be an undecided voter 24 hours before the polls open? There has been no new relevant revelations from either candidate since they won their primary. How do you people function in your every day life? How do you choose what you are going to wear today, or what you are going to have for dinner? How do you eventually decide? Do you just flip a coin in the car before you go in, or close your eyes and mark the ballot

Friday, October 24, 2008
No matter what you think of Palin, you have to admire her for wearing these:

Walking up the planks to the stages, and up the ramps into the planes, and still smiling . That takes you where no man can go. Smiling through pain all the way. I truly believe walking in heels prepares you for child birth and many other trials you may encounter in life. It can make you a Maverick.

You Betcha!
Walking up the planks to the stages, and up the ramps into the planes, and still smiling . That takes you where no man can go. Smiling through pain all the way. I truly believe walking in heels prepares you for child birth and many other trials you may encounter in life. It can make you a Maverick.
You Betcha!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
June 2, 2008...Weather turned cloudy, rain, hail and lots of wind taking trees down. When the storm cleared, instead of walking into the sunshine that day, a cloud hovered over me and has been there all summer long.
That day my Mom fell and broke her hip, had a replacement that night during the midnight hour. Early the next morning she had a heart attack and had to be taken to the city for stents, then back to hometown hospital for recoupment. Was in for over 3 weeks. Went home for 2 weeks, but was way not ready. Back again for another few weeks. Over 4 months later and she is still barely making it on her own.
During those 4 months, our son had a heart attack and a couple of stents...rested up a few weeks and went back in to have 6 more of those stents. Can you buy stock in those things?
Also in this same time era, our grandson had had to have kidney stents in for awhile, did not work so he had a kidney removed.
Now we are out 5 months from they day of the storm, and our daughter, who in the past 6 years has had tripple heart bypasses, a 3 stent trip, and a 2 stent trip, this week had carotid artery surgery.
Now I am looking for a happy ending to this summer of gloom. I keep watching that little dark cloud that is following me around. He tries to hide, but I see him lurking. I named him Whisper. I am hoping that the Autumn winds will blow him on down the road.
What more could happen ? Hmmm, I have a doctors appointment next Tuesday. I guess we will see if Whisper will linger on.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
In the 60's you got the kids fed and out to play and at 9:00 a.m. you got out the old kitchen chair and Jack worked your muscles from head to toe for 30 minutes. I actually looked forward to can tell how pathetic the 60's were for me.
Now we can Walk it out with Richard...
You can do it without the chair...and anytime of day by pulling up the video on the computer. Life goes on.
Now we can Walk it out with Richard...
You can do it without the chair...and anytime of day by pulling up the video on the computer. Life goes on.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October has always been one of my favorite months. It introduces Autumn, leaves are turning, the air is cooling, and there seems to be excitement in the air. The colors are so pretty. The greens and bright colors that we had so anticipated in the Spring have faded, the grass has turned brown from the heat...then there is this beautiful burst of Fall colors.
"Just before the death of flowers,And before they are buried in snow,There comes a festival season When nature is all aglow."- Author Unknown
"Just before the death of flowers,And before they are buried in snow,There comes a festival season When nature is all aglow."- Author Unknown
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I have been cleaning this week, and I realized that though the contents have changed, I have had a "junk drawer" ever since I moved from my parents home at 18. I think it is a right of passage .
The above "junk drawer" must belong to a very anal retentive individual. Who puts oranizers in their junk drawer?
A respectable junk drawer has everything from paper clips to screw drivers just thrown in there all jumbled up. Anything you find laying around goes in it, and if it belongs to anyone in the house they have to go to the junk drawer to find it. The only rule for a junk drawer is that you should clean it out once a year. You will not be able to get rid of everything in it, but you get it down to where it is manageable and you can get it shut.
I am a bit curious about why McCain has to suspend his campaign to take care of the financial fiasco. He has people to run his ads and campaign, and he also has his running mate Palin that could stay on the road to campaign. And he wants to postpone the debate. They got airplanes to whip around the country reason they cannot do Washington Business, and bop back down for the debate.
I do not see how they can campaign all this time, and then just shut it down for a bit. Sounds a bit strange to me.
They should be able to multi task since they are in the middle of the campaign.
The bail out of 700 billion is like speaking in another language to me....I cannot grab my mind around how much money that would be
The other Headline that caught my eye today was Clay coming out. It stirred up his claymate boards. Could not believe how cruel some were. How much of a surprise could this have been to his fans. Do they not pay attention to him. How Gay does a person have to be before these people notice.
This was not in the news, but does anyone but me see any resemblence between Sarah Palin and Peggy Hill? Just wondering.

I do not see how they can campaign all this time, and then just shut it down for a bit. Sounds a bit strange to me.
They should be able to multi task since they are in the middle of the campaign.
The bail out of 700 billion is like speaking in another language to me....I cannot grab my mind around how much money that would be
The other Headline that caught my eye today was Clay coming out. It stirred up his claymate boards. Could not believe how cruel some were. How much of a surprise could this have been to his fans. Do they not pay attention to him. How Gay does a person have to be before these people notice.
This was not in the news, but does anyone but me see any resemblence between Sarah Palin and Peggy Hill? Just wondering.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
This quote spoke to me......
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Vodka soaked tampons
And they say too much TV is bad for you. I found out about this on CSI. If it is to be believed, your body can absorb alcohol and you can still take the edge off without stirring up your ulcers.
I know there is someone in the world that needs to know this.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Questions I Ask Myself During "Quiet Time"
Will Oprah go broke and hungry if Republican women boycott her show and magazine because she will not interview Sarah Palin?
How long will it take to find an impartial jury for the O.J. Simpson trial?
How safe do I feel if we have a "Hockey Mom/Pit Bull" a heartbeat away from answering that 3:00 a.m. phone call?
Will there be any young people brave enough to date Nancy Grace's twins when they grow up?
How long will it take to find an impartial jury for the O.J. Simpson trial?
How safe do I feel if we have a "Hockey Mom/Pit Bull" a heartbeat away from answering that 3:00 a.m. phone call?
Will there be any young people brave enough to date Nancy Grace's twins when they grow up?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Creed to Live By(one the most classic motivational poems)
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others,
It is because we are different that each of us is special.
Don't set your goals by what other people deem important,
Only you know what is best for you.
Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart
Cling to that as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless.
Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or the future.
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
Don't give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over … until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect,
It is the fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Don't be afraid to encounter risks,
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love.
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tightly,
And the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don't dismiss your Dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope.
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don't run through life so fast that you forget where you've been,
But also know where you're going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored every step of the way.
Author Unknown
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others,
It is because we are different that each of us is special.
Don't set your goals by what other people deem important,
Only you know what is best for you.
Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart
Cling to that as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless.
Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or the future.
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
Don't give up when you still have something to give
Nothing is really over … until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect,
It is the fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Don't be afraid to encounter risks,
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love.
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tightly,
And the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don't dismiss your Dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope.
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don't run through life so fast that you forget where you've been,
But also know where you're going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored every step of the way.
Author Unknown
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Some Quotes I Have Found Along The Way...
Retirement: It's nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get
along with less cheese.
I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day.
The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.
along with less cheese.
I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day.
The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil.
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
--The person in the checkout line ahead of me who waits until the clerk hits the total to Begin to get out her checkbook or debit card.
--When someone in a group tells a story or incident, and there is always that one person who had done that better, or had something worse happen.
--Mothers who take their little ones out, and do not have a burp rag or an extra diaper....what are they thinking.
--When you are at Wal-Mart in your hoverround or power chair and visit in the isles with another power chair friend or stranger. Keep to the right , keep moving and visit in the parking lot.
--Along the same line, when you are in your scooter at the Casino Boats, keep the speed down. When you round a corner and "bump" into another patron, someone will get hurt.
--Jehovas Witnesses knocking on my door another day...that first day I let you know I have my own beliefs....take me off your list
--if your belly button is hanging over your pants, it was not meant to have a ring in it.
--If you are my waitress/waitor and have a tongue ring, be discreet and keep it in your mouth.
--You sign up for a drawing...and none of us read fine you get a call that you won a trip...but you got to listen to a 3 hr sales talk.
--If you give me something, let me enjoy it, without strings as if I owe you something to collect at a later date.
--When someone in a group tells a story or incident, and there is always that one person who had done that better, or had something worse happen.
--Mothers who take their little ones out, and do not have a burp rag or an extra diaper....what are they thinking.
--When you are at Wal-Mart in your hoverround or power chair and visit in the isles with another power chair friend or stranger. Keep to the right , keep moving and visit in the parking lot.
--Along the same line, when you are in your scooter at the Casino Boats, keep the speed down. When you round a corner and "bump" into another patron, someone will get hurt.
--Jehovas Witnesses knocking on my door another day...that first day I let you know I have my own beliefs....take me off your list
--if your belly button is hanging over your pants, it was not meant to have a ring in it.
--If you are my waitress/waitor and have a tongue ring, be discreet and keep it in your mouth.
--You sign up for a drawing...and none of us read fine you get a call that you won a trip...but you got to listen to a 3 hr sales talk.
--If you give me something, let me enjoy it, without strings as if I owe you something to collect at a later date.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What a drag it is getting old.Kids are different today,I hear evry mother say. Mother needs something today to calm her downAnd though shes not really ill Theres a little yellow pill She goes running for the shelter of a mothers little helperAnd it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day.
Hey it worked for us in the 60's, it still works today
Hey it worked for us in the 60's, it still works today
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time is Very Sneaky....
My first born turns 50 years old this month! I am looking around at how shakey that makes my mortality. I have things to do, places to go, things to learn. I have never hurried...I like layed back, take it easy, you got all the time in the world. Perhaps I do not have all that time. I have books to read, movies to see. I want to see the SouthWest of our United States. I want to see an ocean.
I guess I must push forward and stop procrastinating.
I guess I must push forward and stop procrastinating.
Friday, August 8, 2008
I Guess John Edwards Is Off The List for Possible VP Candidate in 08
Why was I surprised that John Edwards cheated on his wife? I guess it was his dorky down home grin and southern accent. I should have known better than believe that one happy family speech. He is short. Naturally he would have something to prove. There must be a special place in Hell for a man who would cheat on his wife, when she is campaigning for him while being treated for cancer.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Breaking News.....
I am a channel flipping news junkie.....MSNBC, CNN, FOX. Not a day goes by that I do not check out Larry King Live, Nancy Grace, Greta VanSusteren, Geraldo, and Glen Beck, Katie Couric. My inquiring mind wants to know what is going on out in this world
I want to know if they have found the missing child, the missing mother, the missing pet. I want to know which politician has fallen off their pedistal and banged one of the campaign volunteers, or rubbed toes in the mens room.
Knowledge of what is going on with these people may help me make informed decisions on important issues at some point in time. Even Dr. Phil, Ophra, and the View could perhaps be of some help
I want to know it alll.....................................
I want to know if they have found the missing child, the missing mother, the missing pet. I want to know which politician has fallen off their pedistal and banged one of the campaign volunteers, or rubbed toes in the mens room.
Knowledge of what is going on with these people may help me make informed decisions on important issues at some point in time. Even Dr. Phil, Ophra, and the View could perhaps be of some help
I want to know it alll.....................................
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What is that noise??
I am sitting here day dreaming, well it is night , but if you are not asleep it can't be dreaming. Anyhow I kept hearing this noise I could not identify. I looked out to see if a car is going is almost midnight, but people do drive by at all times of day or night. It was the strangest thing, there is lightening in the distance, and the strange noise I hear is thunder. It has been so hot and so dry for so long that I forgot what comes before the rain. Well if it does rain. Lately we have clouds and they just tease me.....the rain never comes.
I am so excited that I would like to go out and stand in the rain. I wish it would be a cooling rain, but it seems like the minute the rain stops if we get any, then it is like you just stepped into a saunna ( would have liked to have been able to spell that for sure, it does not look right, but I do not want to even do spell check.). I think I will just read and enjoy the storm, with my luck if I went out to stand in the rain, I would get struck by lightning.
I am so excited that I would like to go out and stand in the rain. I wish it would be a cooling rain, but it seems like the minute the rain stops if we get any, then it is like you just stepped into a saunna ( would have liked to have been able to spell that for sure, it does not look right, but I do not want to even do spell check.). I think I will just read and enjoy the storm, with my luck if I went out to stand in the rain, I would get struck by lightning.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Passing The Time
I would like to blog,
I have opinions to share.
But when I begin to type
my words turn to air.
The End
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