Sunday, December 29, 2013


I had my last lucid moment with my Mom on Christmas Eve.  When I went back on Christmas evening, she did not seem to know I was there, and did not talk.  The nursing home called me Friday morning at 8:30 and said she was not doing well. I spent the day there, and my children and grand children began to gather as she was unresponsive and Hospice did not think she would come out of it. We kept vigil with her through the night Friday, and into the evening Saturday as she continued to decline.  Saturday night at 10:11 pm she peacefully slipped away snuggled in her granddaughters arms.

Although I have been so afraid and dreaded the inevitible time coming, I was in awe of how quickly and peacefully she went.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Mom was in and out of hospital most of 2010. In Nov, she began being in and out of hospitals, Residental Facility, and Nursing Home weekly or monthly.  Was in Willow Lane January 2011. In march of 2011 she came home for short time for the last time.  Since March of 2011 she has lived in Willow Lane all the time. She has remained able to transfer herself from chair to bathroom and bed except for some episodes where she needed help.  The past week she has gotten weaker and more confused. Last night she did not even know I was there. Has had a med change so perhaps her head will clear in a few days

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Christmas Eve, that magic night for all the kiddies.  I have my dinner all put together to pop in the oven tomorrow.  Looking forward for our get together. Some can come, others have other places to go.  But whoever is here, we will have a good time.

Mom has had a bad week, sleeping a lot, and confused when awake. Is getting weaker about transfering herself and they are helping her some. I am so afraid she is going to fall since she will not ask for help, they have to just catch her needing help.  Hoping she is more alert tomorrow for company.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


December 3, 2013 was a very nice day.  Went shopping without a jacket.  Am getting a handle on Christmas, have some gifts , some wrapped, some not.

This has been a nice Fall. In November Willow Lane had a Thanksgiving Dinner. Tim, Debbie, Jackie, and I went out and ate with her.  She is doing pretty well.  Still transfers herself, tho her memory is only about 10 minutes long. She still knows us all.

I feel a freedom I have not felt for a long time. December is going to go very fast I think. WL Christmas reception is DEc 19th, and some of us will be going to that.  I have my tree up, and am gettting in the Christmas spirit.  This may be a sparse Christmas, but we can enjoy dinner and getting together.

I am already looking forward to the new year.  About this time, I am ready for out with the old and in with the new.