Feb: Infection fighting white blood cell count 0March: Diagosed with LGL a rare form of Leukemia, and meds started.June: Parker came from Texas to visit for 2 months.August: Robbin, Parker, and Kyle came from Texas for a long weekend to visit.October: White blood cell count up to low normal range, may get off meds in early 2010 for awhile.Here is to the end of...........
I love the new year. I am always glad to put away the holiday decorations and get ready to start new. I like to have a project besides my "winter puzzle" that lasts til spring. This year it is a small one. I got some new wall decor for my bathroom and will be putting it together soon. That will give me a boost. As winter creeps on and I begin to want it over, I will be looking for new throw pillows. That is crazy, but new throw pillows always perk me up.Wishing for a great new year for myself, as I am sort of a me person. And to everyone else.